
Outspoken- You Couldn't Silence Me If You Tried

A few years ago someone called me “outspoken”. I believe I knew what the word meant, but the way the person said it to me made me think it possibly had a different meaning. So I went to the online dictionary and looked it up. The word outspoken means “frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are critical or controversial.” My response to my own query was yea, you bet I am outspoken. I have always had my opinions and firmly held beliefs, but over the years I have become even more outspoken in the sense that I actually enjoy speaking my peace not just because I want to hear myself talk, but because it generates a conversation with others, it gets the ball rolling, it gets the juices flowing. I don’t want anyone to “yes” me to death. I don’t want to hear what I want to hear. If someone disagrees with me, then feel free, but be sure to back up your opinions with cold hard facts. I never go into anything half-cocked. I am never unprepared. I can handle criticism, but what I cant handle it staying quiet when I have something to say. To me, it doesn’t matter who is listening or how long they will listen. I always believed that if you want something in life you have to go after it. No one will hand you anything for free. So you have to get out there and don’t worry about the critics and don’t worry about those who disagree. Those who have different opinions are free to speak their peace too. It is what causes the dialogue and the free flow of information. The First Amendment’s protection for freedom of expression applies to the gathering of information for the purpose of engaging in speech. Exercise your right to free speech every chance you get.

Speaking your mind is useless if you’re just tearing someone down. To have a productive conversation, you should empathize with the person you’re speaking to so you can connect with them and they can appreciate and take to heart what you’re saying. Take a deep breath and walk into every room with confidence, knowing that you’ve earned the right to be there. Speak with great intention, even though you know that not everybody is going to like what you say. Over the years I have learned that you should not always wait to speak. I started listening actively, knowing that I was going to comment on something and having it in my mind that I would interrupt at the right moment. It’s both polite and useful to say, before we proceed to the next subject, I would like to add the following…. If you wait to be called on, often the discussion will move on so far that whatever you’re talking about will not be germane. Being able to express yourself fully means not worrying that someone is going to talk over you before you’ve finished. But that often happens when people don’t even realize that they’re cutting off the other person. If you’re speaking with someone who keeps interrupting, you have to point it out to them. Also, remember to keep it short and sweet. If you talk extensively about something whether out of nerves or wanting to explain yourself—you end up saying too much. Don’t chatter just to fill the dead air. Speak your piece, then stop and listen.

The price you pay for being outspoken is that you often gain some enemies along the way. But at least you stand by what you believe in and aren’t afraid to speak your mind. Stop worrying that what you say may hurt someone’s feelings, or that your opinion will make people think badly of you. Never let anyone walk all over you. NO ONE. NEVER

Fortunately, I have been introduced to people who told me things without unnecessary sugar-coating. They stood by their beliefs, they didn’t take anyone’s nonsense, and they told me the inevitable truth. At first, their bluntness was a shock, but I quickly learned and really started to admire straight-forward people. The world needs bold people. There are many reasons for my appreciation and understanding of importance regarding honest people. Straight-forward people are reliable. They are trustworthy and dependable for the truth. A bold person wouldn’t waste their time speaking about a friend behind their back. If they had a problem with a particular friend, they would come right out and tell that person. Bold personalities are genuine. They are the kind of people who stand up for what they believe in and are not afraid to rationalize with others.

Have the courage to say what everyone else is thinking. Don’t dance around the truth or continually seek approval from others as it is a big waste of time. Speaking the truth requires bravery and acceptance of criticism. I always say go for it, because people who are okay with honesty are likely the people that should be in your life. I am outspoken and proud of it. If you don’t like my brutal honesty, then change the channel.